Configure Apache with Ruby on Rails


I'm trying to install Tracks roughly following this guide while trying to configure Apache, but I get the following error when trying to restart Apache:

/etc/init.d/apache2: 1: RailsBaseURI: not found

My current virtual host configuration is:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName tracks.localhost
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

    DocumentRoot /var/lib/tracks
    <Directory /var/lib/tracks>
        Allow from all
        Options -MultiViews

    RailsBaseURI /tracks
    <Directory /var/lib/tracks/public>
        Options -MultiViews

I haven't found many resources where others have encountered the same issue. Does it sound like my Apache passenger installation is bad?

EDIT: If it helps, some additional information on what I've done. I've removed my virtual host configuration and uninstalled the following packages:

sudo apt-get remove libapache2-mod-passenger ruby libopenssl-ruby

and I still get the /etc/init.d/apache2: 1: RailsBaseURI: not found when trying to start Apache. I can't even start Apache now. What the heck does Ruby on Rails do that would cause Apache to not start?!

Best Answer

Don't you need to put the following directive above the RailsBaseURI?

RailsEnv production