Configuring Cassandra for consistency across multiple datacenters


Currently we run a 4-node Cassandra ring in each of two datacenters. We would like to rebuild them into a single 8-node ring. All else being equal we would really like to have consistent reads, so we currently run QUORUM reads and writes. However, if we lose a datacenter it appears that this would cause many or all requests to fail due to inability to meet the ConsistencyLevel. Since we plan to send requests to both datacenters, switching to LOCAL_QUORUM shouldn't be enough to guarantee consistency.

Cassandra appears to be sorely missing ConsistencyLevel settings that are measured against only available nodes.

What can be done to get maximum consistency without availability failures in this scenario, and what has to be traded-off to get it?

Best Answer

You can have your app read/write using QUORUM in normal operations, then failover to LOCAL_QUORUM in the case of a DC failure. This is something you'll have to do yourself, as Cassandra won't do this automatically. Optionally, if the DC fails you can perform a nodetool repair before opening it up for read/write access. Obviously QUORUM in a multi-DC scenario may mean you'll have latency issues depending on the pipe between them, but that's a tradeoff you'll have to weigh.

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