Configuring holidays for Nagios


I had nagios configured to know that this was a holiday:

monday -1 may       00:00-24:00 ; Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)

As far as I can tell it didn't work on Monday because I received some alarms, no big deal, I can ignore those. But now I noticed that those alerts were not running today (June 1). I removed the line and now they're running again. This is straight out of the example timeperiods.cfg, but maybe the docs are incorrect.

Does anyone have a timeperiod config for Nagios that works for holidays like "last Monday in may" or "fourth Thursday in November"?

Best Answer

I believe that if you look at the example in the distribution.....

 monday -1 may           00:00-00:00     ; Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

Notice that the start and end times are 0000!!