Configuring squid to use a different proxy server as its internet connection


I'm setting up a squid proxy on my computer (I use ubuntu).

However, my computer is not connected to the internet directly. I connect to the internet via an authenticating proxy (incidentally, also squid). I want to set up my own squid to send all requests to the internet via the other proxy.

I was mucking around with the tutorials and documentation, and found something called cache_peer. I tried using it, but to no avail.

You may ask, "Why are you doing this?"

A: My final goal is:

If my squid recieves a request to, then it will convert the request into

This is just like a simple URL rewrite (I know this term from apache).

So if you know how to do that, please tell me that too.



PS: i've never configured a squid proxy before in my life. this is my first time.

Best Answer

See the Squid documentation for the cache_peer directive. For a proxy on, you could use something like:

cache_peer parent 8080 0 no-query default login=user:password
acl all src 
never_direct allow all
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