Configuring Varnish 4 VCL to Cache Only a Specific Page for Anonymous Users (with Django)


I'm using Django with Varnish 4.

I'm trying to achieve that:

  • If the request is not for the home page, pass (I'm trying to only cache the home page at the moment to test it, etc.)
  • If the cookie 'sessionid' is present, pass or cache for each sessions
  • Anything else: pass

Here's the configuration of sub vcl_recv:

# cache only home page
    if (! req.url == "/") {

    # not caching if cookie sessionid is present
    if (req.http.Cookie ~ "sessionid") {

    unset req.http.cookie;

So far, Varnish seems to always generate a new page for each it when calling the home page as anonymous. I can tell using the headers Varnish send (the 'age' is always 0 and 'X-Varnish' is always a different number).

It's either that my configuration is missing something, or is it because Django sends a 'Vary: Cookie' in the response? If it's the case, how can I 'hide' cookies from Varnish in this case (only for anonymous users)?

Best Answer

The 'problem' was that Django sent a 'Vary: Cookie' header all the time. I think it's because of the 'auth' plugin, but I didn't investigate that, I just deleted the header when the response came back from the server.

Here's what Varnish's doc has to say about 'vary: cookie':

Another example of bad usage is when using only Vary: Cookie to differentiate a response. Again, there could be a very large number of cookies and hence a very large number of cached objects, which are going to be retrieved most likely only by their original requesters.


Here's what my VCL config looks like (I removed the upper part which is simply server configuration):

sub vcl_recv
        # caching only home page
        if (! req.url == "/") {

        # not caching if cookie sessionid present
        if (req.http.Cookie ~ "sessionid") {

        unset req.http.cookie;


sub vcl_backend_response

        if (bereq.url == "/") {
                unset beresp.http.Vary;