Configuring Windows 7 for a Closed Network

networkingwindows 7

I have previously regularly created closed networks of Windows XP machines, that is, several machines networked together with switches and routers (& static IPs) but no connection to the outside world (no DNS for eg).

It would seem that Windows 7 is designed purely for the internet-connected computer. When setting up a network similar to above I am plagued by "no internet access" and "unidentified network" messages and have to sift through the public, homegroup, work settings etc.

My PCs regularly swap between the network name i've applied and "unidentified network" and i often wish I could have my Win XP days back!

What I want to know is: is there a way to operate a Win7 PC in a closed network as you would have done with XP – no "unidentified network" messages etc. (it would appear this is due to lack of DNS, but there's nothing I can find in the sharing centre/troubleshooting that says this officially)

(i am aware of methods to disable "no internet access" and "default to work location" in secpol.msc)

Best Answer

The easiest way to 'fix' this behavior is to convince Windows that it has internet access. This turns out to be quite easy.

  1. Run a tiny web server internally that is spoofed with the dns name
  2. Configure it to serve up ncsi.txt at the root, the contents of which may or may not matter, but Microsoft's file just says "Microsoft NCSI".
  3. There is no step 3.