Connect PCs on LAN to internet (using RRAS)



  1. Multiple PCs [WinXp/2K] on LAN (192.168.10.x) [default gateway is]
  2. One DSL modem at
  3. One PC [Windows 2000 AS] (dual NIC with RRAS) with:
    a. [connected to above LAN] and
    b. [connected to DSL modem]

The gateway PC (point 3) can see the internet and the PCs on LAN (point 1) can ping the gateway PC. The gateway PC hosts a proxy server (squid).

Just turning on RRAS on the PC (at point 3) doesn't work.
I know I'm missing some steps here.. Can someone please help?

Edit: Long Story:
Some PCs on LAN (Point 1) need to have restricted access to the internet. Hence the Dual Nic PC (point 3)acting as a proxy (squid+squidguard). This works fine, all PCs on LAN can connect to the internet via the gateway proxy.
However, some PCs on that LAN need to connect directly to the internet (they use citrix and other stuff that needs direct connectivity).

Best Answer

You need to get your win2k box (3.) to do Network Address Translation with RRAS. It is possible, but painful.

I would personally either replace 3b with a DSL modem that will terminate & NAT the connection, or upgrade 3. to Windows Server 2003, which does allow NAT without so much pain.

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