Connect thin clients to desktop pc


Is it possible to connect 20 thin clients to a modern desktop pc(core i7) and 4CB of ram? Does this pc able to run those clients?-These clients will not run all day and the main application they would run is a simple web application(Online exam)

Best Answer

Yes, if everything is well tuned absolutely yes.

Consider that some years ago we were using servers that were much less powerful then your Desktop. Just keep in mind the availability of the Desktop PC.

An hardware crash can compromise for several hours/days your application, in fact the main difference between a Desktop and a Server is in the redundancy of the hardware itself, like raid, double power supplies and the mother board is made to support some minor hardware failures (in some cases even critical failures).

At least consider to buy a UPS and if you have room to spend around $150 (even much less if second hand), you can install a SATA RAID controller and install an additional disk to setup at least a simple mirror. If you don't have budget just perform often a backup

If high availability it's not a big issue for you, yes, you can and I'd advice a GNU/Linux for obvious performance, stability and educational purpose (easier to learn low level concepts). A GNU/Linux will also preserver more your hardware as the graphical interface is not needed to run the server (you can use it to configure and then exit the X session if you like)

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