Convert a Smart Array RAID5 array to a RAID6 (ADG) variant


I have an HP MicroServer (N36L) with a SmartArray P410 controller, a 512MB BBWC unit and four (4) 2TB disks connected. Three of those disks are configured as a single RAID5 array and one is left alone.

Physical configuration

I'd like to migrate the RAID5 array to a RAID6 array. Is it possible to migrate it "in place", without the neet to copy the data to a separate disk?

I already have a trial license for HP Smart Array Advanced Pack.

Unfortunately, after booting the array configuration utility I see no option of migrating the array to RAID6.

RAID migration options

The license key has been successfully enabled, since RAID6 is enabled.

ADG is enabled

Is it possible to migrate RAID5 array to RAID6 "in place" or am I forced to copy the data to an external drive?

Best Answer

Yes, RAID level migration is supported by the P410, you don't mention what OS is running on this box but it's usually migrated using the Array Configuration Utility (ACU), a Windows utility added during the Proliant Support Pack installation. You can also access ACU using either the SmartStart CD/ISO or the new Proliant Firmware Packs for your system. It is possible to do this using the Linux command line utility 'hpacucli' but the syntax can be quite complex to be honest.

This can all be done 'live', in place, although I would strongly suggest you carry out a full backup first just in case - it's also not quick, that's an understatement by the way :)

In this case with 4 disks the R5-to-R6 move won't change the available disk sizes so you won't need to do any repartitioning etc. but can I suggest that unless you intend to expand this server in the future that RAID 10 would actually be a better solution than RAID 6. It'll offer pretty much the same level of protection but will be faster all round, especially for writes. Of course if you do intend to expand the array then disregard this suggestion.

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