Convert Spanned Dynamic disk to Basic Help needed


Here is my scenario; Windows 2008 server on a VM Two VM disks; Disk1 > OS >Basic Disk2> Data and an Installed Application.> Basic

During the weekend, I was playing with this VM, I wanted to add some space to the Disk2. Created a new disk (disk3), converted it to a Dynamic volume and added this to disk 2 (disk 2 also converted to Dynamic volume) and for some reason these now are spanned volumes. Just like an IDIOT, I haven't taken any snapshot of this before I've made the changes. My question, is there a way I can re-convert this again to Basic? I don't want to delete and recreate the disk volumes because of the application installed on the disk 2

Any solution or tips I can use?

Best Answer

Using only microsoft default tools the only way to convert back is to backup and restore

There are ways to convert single dynamic disks but spanned disks really need to be recreated.