Convert VMWare VM version 10 to 9 on same data store


Recently two VM's were accidentally converted to Version 10 requiring the vSphere web client but I would like to use the vSphere client. I would like to use VMware converter to convert them back to version 9. I am wondering if it is possible to do so to the same data store as I have enough space to do one at a time? Is this feasible and possible?

I just found this link on creating new folders on a data store for copying VM's. So my plan is the following:

  1. Create a new folder on the datastore for the version 9 VM's
  2. Power off the VM's
  3. Use VMware Converter to convert a VM to version 9 and select the
    same data store but the new folder (Is this possible?)
  4. Once the VM is converted, remove the old one from the inventory.
  5. Add to inventory the converted version 9 VM, power it on and test that it is
  6. Delete the old version 10 VM.
  7. Repeat stems 3-5 for the next VM.

Can anyone comment on if this is possible and seems correct?

Best Answer

I don't know if this is possible but it seems correct. Just give it a try. If you remove the original VMs instead of deleting them, you can re-register them if it doesn't work. Personally, I would deploy a test VM with HW version 10 and give a try first.

Oh, there's something else you can try: Downgrading the virtual machine hardware version in ESX/ESXi states that you can

Create a new virtual machine with required hardware version and attach the existing disk from the virtual machine

However, since this is a new VM it will also have new MAC addresses.