Copy entire template folder from puppet module


I'm looking for the syntax to copy an entire templates directory inside a puppet module. (Eg: templates/webconfig/file1.erb, templates/webconfig/config/file2.erb)

I tried to copy in below syntax:

file {"$http_home_dir/webconfig":
                        ensure => "directory",
                        owner => "$http_user",
                        group => "$http_group",
                        content => template("webconfig"),
                        recurse => true,
                        require => File["$http_home_dir"];

It doesn't worked. When i tried to use wildcard like below also, it didn't worked.

content => template("webconfig/*.erb"),

Is there anything specific I'm missing

Best Answer

You can only copy files wholesale using the source parameter, which copies files as-is. The only way you can copy multiple templates is to use multiple file resources.

A way of shortening the amount of code you need is using a define resource type. For example, using Puppet 4 strict typing and the splat operator:

define myclass::webconfig (
  String $file_path,
  Hash   $attributes,
  String $template_path,
) {
  file { $file_path:
    ensure  => file,
    content => template("${template_path}/${name}.erb"),
    *       => $attributes,

Which can be used as:

file { $http_home_dir:
  ensure => directory,
  owner  => $http_user,
  group  => $http_group,

myclass::webconfig { 'myfile':
  template_path => 'webconfig',
  file_path     => "${http_home_dir}/webconfig",
  attributes    => {
    owner   => $http_user,
    group   => $http_group,
    require => File[$http_home_dir],

Which will place a file at $http_dir/webconfig/myfile with the contents of template webconfig/myfile.erb.

You can also pass an array of file names, like so:

$my_files = [

file { $http_home_dir:
  ensure => directory,
  owner  => $http_user,
  group  => $http_group,

myclass::webconfig { $my_files:
  template_path => 'webconfig',
  file_path     => "${http_dir}/webconfig",
  attributes    => {
    owner   => $http_user,
    group   => $http_group,
    require => File[$http_home_dir],