Copy file to WebDAV via Command Line on Windows 2003


I need to copy a file from a Windows 2003 server to a WebDAV folder (on the same server, if it matters). This operation will be performed via a batch script executed via Scheduled Tasks. I've enabled the WebClient service on the server.

So far I've determined that I can do it like this:

net use x: http://host/path
copy c:\path\myfile.txt x:
net use x: /delete

1) Is there a simpler way than creating a temporary mapped drive? Will it work via a batch file when no user is logged in?

2) Is there anything I should know about enabling the WebClient service on my server? Previously it was disabled, which I assume is default.

Best Answer

Free WinSCP (for Windows) supports WebDAV (and WebDAVS). WinSCP supports scripting/command-line operations too.

Sample WinSCP script to upload file over WebDAV:

put file.txt /path/

Save the script to a file (e.g. script.txt) and run like: /script=script.txt

You can also put everything on a single line: /command "open" "put file.txt /path/" "close"

For introduction to scripting with WinSCP, see:

WinSCP GUI can generate a script template for you.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)