Copying files from the host to a Virtual PC running Windows 7 is slow

virtualizationwindows 7windows-virtual-pc

I have a Windows 7 desktop on which I've installed Windows Virtual PC and have the following on the same host:

  • an instance Windows 7 running on Virtual PC
  • an instance Windows XP running on Virtual PC

The problem I am having is that copying files from the host to the Windows 7 Virtual PC is really slow. I'm talking 17KB/sec. The host machine has a gigbit NIC.

While using the Windows XP Virtual PC to do the same I didn't notice a huge difference. But on the Windows 7 Virtual PC, it is really slow.

Is there something I need to do (such as settings) to fix this?

I've attached an image of the Resource Monitor (of the Windows 7 Virtual PC) that shows my network traffic going in bursts rather than relatively steady.

The files are on a "public" folder on my host machine.


Best Answer

I've seen this with dynamic disks. You might want to put your virtual machines in fixed size disks, I think there's an easy way to migrate from dynamic to fixed but it's escaping me at the moment.

The other thing to check would be that the integration components are properly installed, a removal/reinstall might be in order.

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