Correct way to move kvm vm


I'm wondering what is the correct way of moving a VM between two KVM hosts without using any kind of shared storage

Would copying the disk files and the XML dump from the source KVM machine to the destination one suffice? If so, what commands need to be run to import the vm on the destination?

OS is Ubuntu on both the Dom0's and DomU.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  1. copy the VM's disks from /var/lib/libvirt/images on src host to the same dir on destination host
  2. on the source host run virsh dumpxml VMNAME > domxml.xml and copy this xml to the destination host
  3. on the destination host run virsh define domxml.xml

start the VM.

  • If the disk location differs, you need to edit the xml's devices/disk node to point to the image on the destination host
  • If the VM is attached to custom defined networks, you'll need to either edit them out of the xml on the destination host or redefine them as well

    1. On source machine virsh net-dumpxml NETNAME > netxml.xml
    2. copy netxml.xml to target machine
    3. On target machine virsh net-define netxml.xml && virsh net-start NETNAME & virsh net-autostart NETNAME)
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