Count number of incoming connection on a port – Linux


We have a server which listens on port X. The server has a large number of clients, from time to time the process gets hung, I am seeing SYN flooding messages in the log. I have been trying to tune relevant tcp configuration params.

I would like a way to count number of incoming connections to that particular port using tcpdump or another command.

Best Answer

Iptables can log connections or if you prefer you can use the --tcp-flags SYN option to match syn packets.

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport <listenPort> \
    -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix 'PORTMON'

grep 'PORTMON' /var/log/messages

netstat can show active connections (pipe to wc -l for counts):

netstat -punta | grep <yourPort>

Or just use tcpdump to examine the traffic.

man tcpdump