Counting Print totals


I have been asked to see if it is possible to count the number of print outs that are handle by our file server

Background: we have a “Wall Board” for the amount of phone calls we take and now management are trying to push the green agenda (in a good way). They would now like to show the amount of print outs that we print out during a day (Before any one comments about the engery usage of the computer to handle this it is powered by solar power :). All our printers are on the same print server (Windows 2008 R2). I have been doing some Google-ing and seem to be coming up with a stumbling block if this is at all possible. How would one accomplish this?

Best Answer

If you need more granularity than Chopper3 suggested you might want to consider this method. You can enable "Log spooler information events" in the Print Spooler's "Server properties" and you will get a System Event Log entry, source "Print", type "Information", event ID 10, each time a print job completes. This event will contain detail about the submitting user, printer, job size, and number of pages printed.