Create user in gitlab without e-mail


I'm testing out omnibus gitlab on a local VM. After disabling anonymous signup, I tried adding a new user via the /admin/users/new page.

It requires I associate an e-mail with the new user account, and it further doesn't permit me to specify a password, saying instead that:

Reset link will be generated and sent to the user.

User will be forced to set the password on first sign in.

Now, that's nice in the abstract, but I don't want to have to configure, harden, and maintain a separate mail server simply so that gitlab can send these e-mails. There will be few enough users of this machine that I can manually administer them (i.e. if they forget their password, they can just e-mail me directly).

Is there any way for me to simply create accounts and assign passwords without getting e-mail involved?

Worth noting in passing that while I did discover this, and it is nice, I'd still prefer not to have to get gmail or mailgun involved, easy though they are to setup.

Best Answer

Is there any way for me to simply create accounts and assign passwords without getting e-mail involved?

GitLab supports LDAP, and via OmniAuth, also supports OAuth-based authentications.

If you do self-managed GitLab, probably setup an OpenLDAP and a decent UI (phpLDAPadmin?) to manage your users, then connect GitLab to said OpenLDAP server. Also, do not forget to disable GitLab's SMTP.