Creating a global procmailrc file that forwards to an Exchange server


I need to forward all messages received on one server to another server (Exchange box). I know how to forward for an individual, but I am unable to forward for all addresses to their respective destination. The usernames are all the same, as is the domain name.

I've seen tons of documentation online for user-based procmail files, but global procmailrc documentation is scarce.

Again, this is for a GLOBAL procmailrc file that will affect all users. None of the recipients have home directories on the Linux box for which I would create individual procmail files (which is also an administrative nightmare).


To sum up – how do I create a global procmailrc that forwards mail for all users?

Edit 2 (Environment):
Debian Squeeze
Microsoft Exchange 2003

Best Answer

Oh now I see. That's an easy one. Reading the manual of procmail it states:

   If  no rcfiles and no -p have been specified on the command line, proc-
   mail will, prior to reading $HOME/.procmailrc, interpret commands  from
   /etc/procmailrc  (if  present).   Care  must  be  taken  when  creating
   /etc/procmailrc, because, if circumstances permit, it will be  executed
   with  root  privileges  (contrary  to  the  $HOME/.procmailrc  file  of

And in that /etc/procmailrc you forward mails as in every procmailrc:
