Creating a separate network without physical adapters on ESXi


I have an VM running on ESXi that I need to isolate from the network but still have access to the outside world. I have looked into creating a new virtual switch but we dont have any spare physical adapters available. Am I on the right track or is there another way of doing this?


Apologies for not being clearer. Basically we have a VMWare Sphere hosting multiple VMs. On one of the VMs, we are testing a piece of software and it requires to be isolated from the current network ( internal ) but still have external access ( internet ). One of the ways to do this I believe is to create a virtual switch on its own subnet and bridge it somehow.

I have an album containing the following:

  • vSwitch0
  • vSwitch1
  • vSwitch2
  • Physical Adpaters
  • Issue with creating new virtual switch

Best Answer

You could create two virtual switches, put the test machine on one switch, and then create a router VM, for example pfSense, that has two NICs, one on each vSwitch. Then you can configure the firewall/router however you see fit.