Cron – Different behaviour when running letsencrypt’s certbot as a cron job


I have installed letsencrypt on Ubuntu 14.03 following this guide:

I also created a cron job for certificate renewal as described in the guide, but then found the following problem:

  • certbot-auto renew (as a non-root user) and sudo certbot-auto renew both work when tested from the command line (certbot reports that the certificates are not due for renewal yet, as expected)
  • However, when the same command is run by cron (as root), certbot tries to upgrade itself.

Any idea why I am getting this different behaviour? What is the difference between running the command manually on a shell console and having it run by cron?

Update: I added --no-self-upgrade but it didn't make any difference. On further investigation I noticed the following:

  • sudo certbot-auto renew --dry-run works fine
  • sudo su; certbot-auto renew --dry-run tries to upgrade certbot first

For some reason, certbot seems to think it is not properly installed when running in the second form.

Best Answer

This issue occurs because of the way certbot was installed.

When not using a packaged distribution installation of certbot, it can't ensure that all dependencies are met so to make sure it can run properly, it creates a virtual environment in your $HOME. When running with sudo, this is still your own $HOME. However, when running as root, this turns to /root where the virtual environment is not present and thus, certbot cannot run without creating it. It's not upgrading itself so much as installing itself considering the new environment it is run from.

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