Cron – ifconfig up does not execute from cron


I'm attempting to combine Scott Lowe's guide to creating a namespace with this answer on forwarding traffic between two interfaces.

I have this script that runs on each reboot using the cron @reboot directive: (I am using the script because none of these commands seem to persist across reboots.)

# Setup VPN
ip netns add vpnspace
ip link add vpnopen type veth peer name vpnbind
ip link set vpnopen netns vpnspace
ip netns exec vpnspace ifconfig vpnopen up

When I run the script manually using sudo, it executes fine. However, when the script is run by cron, the fourth line, ip netns exec vpnspace ifconfig vpnopen up, does not execute. Why is this happening? How do I get it to execute?

TL;DR: ifconfig vpnopen up doesn't execute when called by cron inside a namespace



  1. My cron job is @reboot /home/ubuntu/startupscripts/
  2. The code given above is the first part of the shell script called
  3. By "does not execute", I mean that if I run command sudo ip netns exec vpnspace ifconfig in the terminal to check if the IP address was brought up, terminal returns a blank output. I tried logging the output by appending >>rootscripts.log, but nothing is logged and no error message returned.

Best Answer

cron commands usually execute with a default PATH. While ip is typically in /bin, ifconfig is most often found in /sbin . . . so try putting /sbin/ifconfig in your command line.

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