Why Only One wget Command Works in Crontab: Troubleshooting Guide


I wish to fetch content from a PHP script on my server two times a day, altering a query variable lang to set what language we want, and save this content in two language specific files. This is my crontab:

*/15 * * * * ~root/apache.sh > /var/log/checkapache.log
10 0 * * * wget -O /path/to/file-sv.sql "http://mydomain.com/path/?lang=sv"
11 0 * * * wget -O /path/to/file-en.sql "http://mydomain.com/path/?lang=en"

The problem is that only the first wget command line is being executed (or to be precise: the only file that is being written is /path/to/file-sv.sql). If I switch the second and the third row, /path/to/file-en.sql gets written instead. The first line always runs as expected, no matter where it is.

I then tried using lynx -dump "http://mydomain.com/path/?lang=xx" > /path/to/file-xx.sql to no avail; still only the first lynx line executed successfully. Even mixing wget and lynx did not change this!

Getting kinda desperate! Am I missing something? There are thousands of articles on crontab (combined with) wget or lynx, but all seems to cover basic setups and syntax. Does anyone got a clue of what I am doing wrong?


Best Answer

Try adding newline at the end of your crontab.