Customising Start Menu programs using GPO


Theres so much junk in the "All Programs" section of Windows these days. I'm trying to customise it so that it just shows a restricted list of relevant apps to the users. I'm using Server 2003 and Win 7 clients. I'm managed to remove everything using

User Configuration / Policies / Administrative Templates / Start Menu and Taskbar / Remove All Programs List from the start menu

I've then tried to add the shortcust back in using:

Preferences / Windows Settings / Shortcuts / Shortcut (Path: %StartMenuDir%\

However this hasn't worked and the start menu is blank, whats the best way to go about customising the programs in the start menu?

Best Answer is a live saver sometimes when looking for GPO options.

I used the following search term "start menu\programs"

I think a combination of these might help you out:

Remove common program groups from Start Menu Remove Default Programs link from the Start menu. Remove Documents icon from Start Menu Remove Downloads link from Start Menu Remove Drag-and-drop context menus on the Start Menu Remove Favorites menu from Start Menu