Cygwin rsyncd sends too many file names


I have rsyncd running as a Windows service, but when I try to access a module and sync from it, I get the files I want, as well as a lot that I do not — because they are not located in that module on the remote end. To test, I put just one single file in the backup folder, called "the_only_file". From my local machine:

username@local:~$ rsync username@remote::backup .

receiving incremental file list
file has vanished: "/proc" (in backup)
file has vanished: "/cygdrive/c" (in backup)
file has vanished: "/cygdrive/d" (in backup)
skipping non-regular file "dev/clipboard"
skipping non-regular file "dev/conin"
skipping non-regular file "dev/conout"
skipping non-regular file "dev/console"
skipping non-regular file "dev/dsp"
skipping non-regular file "dev/full"
skipping non-regular file "dev/kmsg"
skipping non-regular file "dev/null"
skipping non-regular file "dev/ptmx"
skipping non-regular file "dev/pty0"
skipping non-regular file "dev/random"
skipping non-regular file "dev/scd0"
skipping non-regular file "dev/sda"
skipping non-regular file "dev/sda1"
skipping non-regular file "dev/sda2"
skipping non-regular file "dev/sr0"
skipping non-regular file "dev/tty"
skipping non-regular file "dev/urandom"
skipping non-regular file "dev/windows"
skipping non-regular file "dev/zero"

sent 70 bytes  received 613 bytes  455.33 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24) at main.c(1708) [generator=3.1.0]

username@local:~$ ls
cygdrive dev the_only_file

I used the following commands in cygwin to create the service:

cygrunsrv --install "rsyncd" --path "$(which rsync)" --args "--daemon --no-detach" --desc "Starts rsync daemon to accept rsync connections" --disp "rsync daemon" --type "auto"

And my rsyncd.conf is pretty straightforward:

chroot = yes
charset = UTF-8
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log

      uid = username
      secrets file = /cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/rsyncd.secrets
      auth users = username
      path = /cygdrive/c/Users/username/backup
      list = false
      readonly = false
      dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz *.7z

What can I do to make Cygwin's rsyncd behave like it's supposed to? (Why would it try to send me the /proc directory? So weird…)

Best Answer

I "solved" this by doing it the way I sort of didn't want to do: I added the following line to my rsyncd.conf:

    exclude from = /cygdrive/c/cygwin/etc/rsyncd.exclude

And rsyncd.exclude is:

- /dev/*
- /dev
- /cygdrive/*
- /cygdrive
- /proc

Now it works as intended, with the caveat that this means I can't have directories / files named "dev", "proc" or "cygdrive" in my share's root directory. Probably doesn't matter to most; it would be confusing to have a "cygdrive" or "proc" folder, but an argument could be made that a folder for devs would be called "dev" or something like that. Again, seems somewhat minor, maybe most won't care.

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