Cyrus-imap SSL error


We have recently launched a site and a few days ago the mail.log file started to grow incredibly quickly (2gb per day). I've just had a look at log file and the lines below below are repeated thousands of time:

Jul  3 17:00:23 ubuntu cyrus/imaps[6138]: Fatal error: imaps: required OpenSSL options not present
Jul  3 17:00:23 ubuntu cyrus/master[9410]: process 6138 exited, status 75
Jul  3 17:00:23 ubuntu cyrus/master[9410]: service imaps pid 6138 in READY state: terminated abnormally
Jul  3 17:00:23 ubuntu cyrus/master[6139]: about to exec /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/imapd
Jul  3 17:00:23 ubuntu cyrus/imaps[6139]: executed
Jul  3 17:00:23 ubuntu cyrus/imaps[6139]: imaps: required OpenSSL options not present

I'm not a systems admin expert and the email was setup be a friend. Is there a quick fix for this until we have time to delve deeper?

Best Answer

Hmm. You can comment out the imaps line in /etc/cyrus.conf. This assumes that you don't care about incoming IMAP connections on SSL (but, then, it's not working anyway, as the imaps daemon is terminating abnormally).

In more detail:

Your line in /etc/cyrus.conf will look something like:

 imaps      cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=10

You can put a # at the beginning of the line:

 # imaps        cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps" prefork=10

And then reload cyrus-imapd. Something like /etc/init.d/cyrus-imapd reload, perhaps depending on what distribution you have.

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