Database – a good database choice for a JIRA 10-user installation


I've been working with JIRA and Greenhopper for a few weeks now, and have decided to settle on it as a development aid. That means it's time to stop using the HSQL database.

Loading will be very light; of the 10 users there will only be a maximum of two really active users, interacting intermittently, with state changes on JIRA items at fewer than 100 a day, peak. I have the feeling that supporting this with a SQL Server install would be more than overkill. With SQL Server Express explicitly not supported I have to choose something else.

My question is: Hosted on a machine as described below, which database, among all those openly supported by Atlassian, would work best? Should I run the DB on the hardware, encase it in a VM of its own, or add it to the existing VM?

Hardware: Dual-Core Core 2 processor, 8 GB Memory, mirrored 250 GB
hard disk, a third spinning "backup" disk connected internally.

Host OS: Windows Server 2008 R2

VM Host: VMWare Server 2008, currently running one Win Server 2003 R2
instance (2 GB memory allocated in the VM, 20 GB virtual disk, running a lightly loaded IIS instance with a few utility web services)

Best Answer

I have a similar setup with Confluence and Jira sharing a box. For the load you describe my suggestion would be to use PostgreSQL on the local VM. I looked at in terms of building a specific use appliance. It is really a matter of preference.

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