Database – Detaching a Microsoft SQL 32bit database and attaching it to a 64bit server


I want to detach a database from a 32bit Microsoft SQL 2005 environment and attach it to a 64bit Microsoft SQL 2008 environment.

Microsoft says:

The SQL Server on-disk storage format
is the same in the 64-bit and 32-bit
environments. Therefore, attach works
across 32-bit and 64-bit environments.
A database detached from a server
instance running in one environment
can be attached on a server instance
that runs in another environment.

I was just wondering if there would be any limitations since the database was created in a 32bit environment?

Should I just bite the bullet and create a new database in SQL 2008 64bit and migrate the data, or can I get away with detaching and attaching?

Best Answer

Go ahead and do the detach/attach. I've done it many times with no problems. Like the article says, the storage layer is the same so there's nothing to worry about between the 32-bit and 64-bit editions.

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