Database – How to connect to a local SQL Server


how to configure SQL Server 2005 for remote connection? I have to access a local SQL Server with a web application.

Thank you!

Best Answer

When you installed SQL did you use the 'default' instance, or a 'named' instance? If you're not sure, take a look in your Services control panel (under Administrative Tools).

If the services for SQL have (MSSQLSERVER) after them, then you are on the 'default' instance. If they have anything else after them (e.g. (SQL2005)) then you are on a 'named' instance.

Connecting to the default instance is simple - just connect to the server name. If you are on a named instance, you need to connect to the server name, backslash () instance name.

Eg if your named instance is "SQL2005" then you would connect to SERVER\SQL2005.

With that in mind, what is the exact error message you are receiving?