Database – Open source DNS server with database backend

databasedomain-name-systemopen source

I'm looking for free opensource DNS server that can keep all the data in DB backend.

Currently I found next solutions:

  • MyDNS-ng (looks OK – fork from MyDNS)
  • PowerDNS (looks like OK)
  • Bind9 with DLZ (additional patches, can be tricky to configure, last update in 2004)

It need to be fast and get new zones nearly immediately as they appear in database (not every 10 minutes or so).
In my scenario I create many subdomains to one main domain. The zone layout will be the same for all subdomains.

So, can anyone tell me any other options or some glitches with current one?


Ok, I decided to use MyDNS or PowerDNS as hidden zone master (will try both).
Slave servers (probalby BIND9) will see updates immediately by using RFC1996 (DNS NOTIFY).

Any additional updates?

Best Answer

We currently used PowerDNS to host many zones using a MySQL server.

PowerDNS has been great to us. Some pros/cons:


  • Uses MySQL backend - other DB backends are available
  • Updates to DB are published instantaneously
  • Very friendly to MySQL Replication. We run two servers with replication and updates published instantaneously to both DBs (and dns queries are instant on both)
  • SQL Scheme is very easy to use and manipulate. They provide a front-end which is hard to use for larger zones.


  • Upgrading major versions not very fun
  • Lack of quality frontend means that you need to have a frontend to do the work. This is a good/bad thing.
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