Database – Oracle DB emulator


Don't now if its a right place to ask, so if not please give me a hint. I need some software that do can emulate how Oracle DB works with disks (NOT ORACLE WORKLOAD TOOL). I've already took a look at solutions kinda Benchmark Factory (Quest Software), SwingBench, etc., but they do not emulate. Otherwords I need something like SQL IO but for Oracle.

Thank you for now

Best Answer

Sounds like you want Oracle's Orion tool. It is built to mimic Oracle database IO.

From the Orion download page here:

ORION (Oracle I/O Calibration Tool) is a standalone tool for calibrating the I/O performance for storage systems that are intended to be used for Oracle databases. ... With the goal of closely mimicing the Oracle database, ORION generates a synthetic I/O workload, using the same I/O software stack as Oracle. ORION can be configured to generate a wide range of I/O workloads, including ones that simulate OLTP and data warehouse workloads.

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