Database – Restore Bacula Files


Q1: Can I restore bacula files to another location? Because whenever I restore my bacula files, it goes directly to the client on which the files was backed up.

Q2: Can I restore bacula files if ever the bacula server and client crashed?


Best Answer

Q1: The client used for restoring is defined in the restore job, so you could just add another restore job or alter the configuration to fit your need.

Q2: Yes. The best option is to create bootstrap files during your backup, which can be used to restore in the absence of the database. If you don't have even that, you can use the bscan program to scan your tapes and recreate a database. Beware though, this process takes a lot of time, and according to the bacula docs, is somewhat inexact.

I would suggest establishing some bare metal recovery system that allows you to quickly recover from an incident concerning your backup server, maybe in form of a Rescue CD with a statically linked Bacula version on it, as suggested by the documentation.

You'll find details for all of this in the manuals.