Database – SQL Server 2008 database Backup


today I was trying to restore a database with a backup I had made previously on another computer, however I kept getting the following error message:

the media loaded on "filepath" is formatted to support 2 media families, but 1 media families are expected according to the device specification

I didn't look into it at the time, I just figured it was a bad backup and I'd redo it when I got home. So now I'm trying to do another backup, and I'm getting the above error message for that too.

I did backup to a different location at one point, however that no longer exists now. Is there a way i can get passed this error and just do a fresh backup of the database?

any pointers would be much appreciated 🙂

Best Answer

It's expecting two seperate files to fulfil the backup set, and you've only supplied one. One was possible the database backup file and the other one maybe a transaction log?