Database – Why are changing Zabbix’s triggers status to unknown


In zabbix I have an item which i create some triggers for that on below conditions:

  1. {Server Template:mysql.slowqueries.last(0,1800)}>{Server Template:mysql.slowqueries.last(0)}
  2. {Server Template:mysql.slowqueries.last(0,1800)}<{Server Template:mysql.slowqueries.last(0)}
  3. {Server Template:mysql.slowqueries.avg(900)}=0
  4. {Server Template:mysql.slowqueries.last(0,1800)}={Server Template:mysql.slowqueries.last(0)}

The first one's Severity is define as disaster. when the trigger is run its status is UNKNOWN in Monitoring > Events. What is the problem? why? how to solve it?

Best Answer

If trigger evaluation fails for some reason, you should see an error message in "Configuration" -> "Triggers", on the right hand side:

enter image description here

In this case, if you have just created "mysql.slowqueries" item and it does not yet have data older than half an hour, function "last(0,1800)" (which returns the last value half an hour ago) is going to fail. Once it has data that is older than half an hour, it should work properly.

If this does not help, please post the error message you see and also your Zabbix version.