Datacenter IP Addressing and DNS Management


We are setting up a small Datacenter, about 300 amps power and max 50 racks,

I have studied networking mostly Microsoft and Windows based systems , but I do not understand the IP addressing, DNS management and configuration works in a Datacenter, and unfortunately I have to setup everything by myself but,we will have some staff to do some job.

My questions

Datacenter IP Addressing

Suppose we have got a block of 200 IP addresses from our ISP,

  1. How can I manage these block of IP addresses, is there any software out there to simplify this I heard that using DHCP server in a datacenter is not recommended, otherwise what would you say about MS DHCL serverconsidering we need to have backup server(s) in case of failure

  2. How can I assign a block of IPs to a specific rack, I know with different software and management its different but Im asking how it is done normally

  3. IP addresses are exposed to the whole network, what if a customer tries to use an IP address and is not assigned to their server or rack , how can I prevent this or how can I track the IP usage

DNS Management

Im goin to setup at least two servers for our DNS servers, I know nothing about Datacenter DNS system, but I have configured DNS server in normal networks and also for webservers, Now I wanna know.

  1. What exactly needs to be done for a DNS in a datacenter that is not done for normal networks.

  2. How can I configure PTR records

  3. why cant I configure PTR records on my webserver side DNS server and it should be done on datacenter DNS server , I mean what is the difference in DC DNS servers that allow us to to so
    , I know the question is very silly and simple but Im confused

Is there any software outthere to allow doing the whole thing, I mean automatically add records to the DNS and also managin IP addresses !?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

It's not the answer you're looking for per-se but I'd reccomened getting a contracter in or hiring someone who knows what they are doing rather than asking on a FaQ site.

Also, are you sure you can make it? What's to separate you from the hundreds and thousands of hosting companies?

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