Datacenter Power requirements. A=W/V…. I must be doing something stupid


Okay, our datacenter doesn't charge us based on our "useage" just on how many Amps we have delivered to our rack. I'm planning on putting in a new rack this upcoming year for some server expansion, based on This article. Each server has a crapload of drives, and in turn, uses a crapload of power.

This rack will include.

1 Cisco Router.

1 Fiber Switch

1 1U Storage Controller, standard Dell 850 server.

11 3U Storage Servers, each with dual 750-watt power supplies.

So… I'm trying to calculate how many amps i should theoretically need. I dont have an example server yet to see just how much a 3U – 45-drive server pulls. So i figure it needs two power supplies, so lets go with 1000 watts of pull. Plenty for the hard drives, plenty for the onboard stuff. 11 x 1000 watts is obviously 11000 watts of power.

W= 11000.
V= 120v.
A= 91.

This is where my brain kinda tripped out. 91 amps of power is sheer insanity. (the most i've had piped to a rack atm is 40, and its only sitting at 60% capacity.

And thats with only 1000w used per server — if the PSU is pulling full current at 1500watts for the system, thats something to the tune of 140amps.

…. This sound right or i'm I just crazy? Surely i did something wrong, 140amps of power is insanity.

****Edit: Box is actually 4U, so numbers are different then displayed here, but not by much.

Best Answer

Your figures sound like they're on the right track in general, a dual disk, dual processor box like a HP DL380 pulls about 350-450w on average so add in 43 x 15-20w for the disk and you're not far off a Kw per chassis. This gives you two problems, you're going to need 4 x 32A PDUs to support dual PSUs and you've got a reasonable amount of heat coming from the rear if the rack that needs scrubbing. I also suspect that your hosting company might bitch about this and insist on you splitting your kit between 2 or more racks instead.

That said I can't think of any other way of getting that amount of disks into that density, what make/model are the 3U boxes by the way?

Edit - have you done the weight calculation yet? You should run that by them too, that sucker's going to be quite heavy.

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