Debian 11 – Low Entropy Issue Even with Haveged and RNG-Tools


I have a problem with an old laptop.

I have installed a debian 11 operating system on it a year ago, and despite using it almost daily to perform network administration, I recently found its available entropy value is low, and don't seem to vary over time, or over activity.

# cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

I have haveged and rng-tools installed, with HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom as configuration for /etc/default/rng-tools-debian.

Both rng-tools-debian and haveged services are running without errors.

My question is, how can I increase the entropy of my system ?


System information:

  • Laptop ref = Aspire V3-771G
  • CPU = Intel Core i3-2328M
  • Quantity of RAM = 6 Go
  • Desktop = KDE Plasma
  • No internet access, I manually enable internet access to apply security updates (1 time per week)
  • I have installed haveged a while ago, rng-tools this morning, the entropy value didn't vary after the installation of rng-tools

I have a virtual machine (debian 11) running on a Windows 10 host (virtual box), with no desktop and no haveged, and I can see its entropy value going up quickly, reaching 1600+ in less than 1 minute.

Best Answer

Ok so I found this :

But, my laptop is running kernel version 5.10.0-15-amd64.

Does anyone has an explanation ?

Thank you