Debian – Apache 2.2 mod-vhost-alias with multiple document roots


I’m a beginner in working with apache and in need of your help.
My task is to build a dynamic webserver (Debian 6.0.4, Apache 2.2, one public IP) which can host multiple websites and files (like pictures, pdf etc.) for preview purposes.

Now my problem is that I need two different document roots. One for the websites and the other one for the files.

My attempt is to use mod-vhost-alias, so I don’t need a new entry in the httpd.conf for every virtual host.

My httpd.conf looks like this:

UseCanonicalName Off
    Servername      *.
    VirtualDocumentRoot     /srv/www/%1/htdocs
<VirtualHost websites. >
   Servername      *.websites.
   VirtualDocumentRoot     /srv/www/websites/%1/htdocs

The first vhost serves the files and works fine. The second one should provide directories containing website data. The websites underneath the subdomain “websites” are only reachable, if I deactivate the first virtual host.

What do I have to do, to make both of them work at the same time?

If this topic is already dealt with please give me a link.

Thanks for your time and effort.

Best Answer

You need to use ServerAlias instead of ServerName for the wildcard entries. ServerName doesn't support wildcards. But, you still should have a ServerName set.

Your <VirtualHost> definitions also need to match exactly to your NameVirtualHost directive.

Something along these lines:

    ServerAliast preview-vhost
    ServerName *
    VirtualDocumentRoot /srv/www/%1/htdocs
    ServerAlias websites-vhost
    ServerName *
    VirtualDocumentRoot /srv/www/websites/%1/htdocs
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