Debian – apache2 change port from 443 to 7443


I'm using the default apache ssl conf file "default-ssl.conf"

If i leave it alone using my self signed cert i can get to the page using 443:

<VirtualHost _default_:443>
    ServerName myhost:443

but once i change it to port 7443 and restart I cant get to the page. I call the page as follows:

https://myip:7443/site and nothing happens but
https://myip/site works fine.

Each time I change it I call the apache2 restart. Im running latest Debian in a vm. I dont think running in a vm is the issue since port 443 works fine. I've looked and dont really see any solution on google that helped me. I though changing the port to 7443 would be the only thing that I would require.

Best Answer

You must change the port in two places :

In the VirtualHost :

<VirtualHost _default_:7443>

And in the Listen directive :

Listen 80
Listen 7443

To just see what Apache understand on your ports and VirtualHosts binding, just run :

httpd -S
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