Debian – Best practices for mounting Sun SAN NFS on Linux (Debian Squeeze)


Anyone got bestpractices for how to mount a nfsshare from Sun(Oracle) Unified Storage?
We run the usual hard and nfs4 on debian squeeze.
We run our VMs through this NFS share with Xen.
When our SAN on friday losed a disk and started resilvering(rebuilding), all the nfs shares stailed and one of our Dom0 crashed quite bad with the nfs share making a lot of vms go down.
Is there any mount options which makes this more seamlessly errorful?

Best Answer

I don't know much about Debian and neither about NFSv4.

But if the mount options are still the same as with NFSv3 my favorites (for any nfs-client-mount an any os) are:

  • hard (so keep retrying without exponential backoff of retry times)
  • bg (keep trying in the background without stopping anything "behind" the mount)
  • intr (if you really want - you can kill the mount without rebooting your client)

rsize and wsize are tuned up to reasonable sizes per default nowadays - look at your lokcal man-page.

I used to use "wsize=32768,rsize=32768" to get better tranfer rates before that.

You also have to take care on the nfs-server-side (if NFSv4 is still the same here as NFSv3):

  1. First start all NFS-Services
  2. Last start the Service-IP for the NFS-Services

Else the client will try to reconnect against an empty "nfs-service" and will fail instead of retry.

BTW - what has SAN to do (in this case) with Sun Unified Storage? What happened when you "lost" your SAN? Why did the rebuild process break things? Was the storage not redundant?