Debian – best way to install package from wheezy on squeeze


I want to use doxygen on my Debian Squeeze server, but I need the version from Debian Wheezy because this apparently contains the bugfix I need.

It's not in backports — check (I'm new here and wasn't allowed this as a proper link!)

I tried adding Wheezy to my sources.list file and running apt-get install -t wheezy doxygen but it wants to install too much from wheezy; This is a production server so can't afford this risk.

I'm assuming that compiling from source is going to want to compile all the rest of the above from source too?

Any other solutions? (e.g. some virtualisation or chrooting?) etc

Best Answer

Add to your /etc/apt/apt.conf:

APT::Default-release "stable";

And then you can run:

aptitude install doxygen/wheezy

(isn't the same thing as with -t)