Debian – bugzilla installation on debian


I wanted to setup bugzilla on my debian vm.

Everything runs pretty smooth until i do the test suggested by the official manual:

./ http://www.localhost/bugzilla

which returns:

TEST-FAILED Fetch of images/padlock.png failed
Your web server could not fetch http://www.localhost/bugzilla/images/padlock.png.
Check your web server configuration and try again.

the things i have done up until this point:

changed the localconfig of bugzilla:

$webservergroup = 'www-data';
$db_driver = 'mysql';
$db_pass = 'myDemoPass';

surfing to http://localhost/bugzilla/ results into a site not found error.

the bugzilla folder is located at /var/www/html/

What could be the reason?


Debian 7, Apache2, MySQL, Pearl

Edit: i did a new clean install of debian on a seperate vm and reached a point where i get this error message:

Syntax error on line 73 of apache2.conf
Apache2::SizeLimit at the moment works only with non-threaded MPMs...

the lines i added to apache2.conf:

PerlSwitches -w -T
PerlConfigRequire /var/www/html/bugzilla/

Best Answer

With regards to the issue of Apache2::SizeLimit at the moment works only with non-threaded MPMs: Bugzilla will only run with Apache's prefork multi-processing module [MPM]. If your Apache build is running another MPM, then Bugzilla will throw this error.

I was having the same issue and was finally able to get the default index.cgi page to load in my browser by changing the multi-processing module that Apache was using. I ran the command a2dismod mpm_event to un-symlink the event module from the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled directory, then ran a2enmod mpm_prefork to symlink the prefork module [which was already in /etc/apache2/mods-available]. Finally, I restarted the server with service apache2 restart so Apache could start using the newly-symlinked module.

list of mpm commands | Bugzilla note on using prefork | Older but relevant information on Apache2's symlinking

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