Debian – Can’t log into POP3 account using Exim/Dovecot mail server (debian)


I'm trying to set up a mail server for our dedicated server, and the only thing remaining that doesn't work is the POP login. The outlook dialog box just keep asking me for the right user name/password.
Here's the output from tailf -f /var/log/syslog:

Jul  8 11:06:48 newserverxxxx dovecot: pop3-login: Disconnected:,


  1. The User does exist, and I can log on
  2. All the other steps works (SMTP, and mail test)
  3. And I can even send mails to other addresses from the server or a mail() call


Best Answer

Seeing the pop3-login process in your logfile means it seems configured. So I suggest to enable authentication debugging:

grep -e 'auth_verbose' -e 'auth_debug' /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf (set these two to "yes" and restart dovecot).

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