Debian – /dev/fuse “permission denied” even when member of fuse group


I have a backup script scheduled on a Debian 5.0 x86 server, via sshfs. However, when I attempt to mount the remote directory, I receive:

failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied

ls -l /dev/fuse returns:

crwxrwxr-x 1 root fuse 10, 229 2010-11-12 09:08 /dev/fuse

id backup returns:

uid=501(backup) gid=501(backup) groups=501(backup),46(plugdev),108(fuse)

The only way I can get the directory to mount is if I run chmod a+w /dev/fuse, but this is reset at some point during the day. It's a kludge though, and I'd rather figure out why the group permissions aren't working.

Best Answer

How is your backup script run? Is it possible that it's run from an open shell which hasn't inherited the group membership (since it was running before you added the user to the group)?