Debian – Ganglia Running but Not Showing CPUs or Hosts


So I just set up ganglia on a single debian node. It followed a pretty simple process of

1 – installed from stable repo using

apt-get install ganglia-monitor gmetad
apt-get install ganglia-webfrontend

2 – configured using using:

Now I have everything running and I can access it on localhost/ganglia and it shows the grid memory, network, and load but not CPU. The CPU total is 0, hosts up and down are 0 and there is no avg load or utilization.

Just to be clear this is debian wheezy, I am only running it on a single node that is running both gmetad and gmond so thus reporting to itself. Is there further setup I need to do or does anyone know what could be the cause of this problem and lack of information?

Best Answer

Strangely this isn't well documented or possibly I just did a poor job finding the docs but I had to change /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf to this, restart everything, and now it works just fine:

  udp_send_channel {
    host =
    port = 8649
    ttl = 1

  udp_recv_channel {
    port = 8649
    family = inet4
  udp_recv_channel {
    port = 8649
    family = inet6

Hopefully this helps anyone else who was setting up a single node and master!

PS in the same file don't forget to change mcast_join = to host =

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