Debian – How to exclude a particular domain entry from access.log in squid3 on debian


I have proxy server setup running squid proxy and Squid Cache: Version 3.1.20 on debian, I am doing some log analysis from squid's log file i.e /var/log/squid3/access.log. I dont want a entry of domain in access.log. any client which browses the log information of should be excluded from access.log
What are the changes in squid configuration to achieve this ?

Best Answer

Create an ACL for the domain(s) you want to exclude from the log :

acl exclude dstdomain

For multiple domains you can use a separate file, and have one domain per line in it :

acl exclude dstdomain "/etc/squid/excluded.txt"

Then, disable logging for that ACL :

access_log none exclude
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