Debian – How to install Xvfb without root access (tried with linuxbrew)


I have non-root access to a headless Debian server that runs Jenkins. I want to build Unity3D on that Jenkins, which requires me to install Xvfb. Because it is a headless server, X11 is not installed, and because I don't have root access, I can't install software.

To get around this, I installed Linuxbrew, which is a Linux port of Homebrew, which allows you to install software in your $HOME and which does not require root access, as suggested in this ServerFault answer.

However, when I do

brew search xvfb

then I don't get any results, which means no Xvfb in Linuxbrew. The search is case-insensitive.

What other options do I have to install Xvfb without having root access?

Best Answer

If you have an option of using xvfb from python to achieve what you are planning, you could use another package manager that is an alternative to linuxbrew, called anaconda.

Once installed you could search for xvfb package and install it locally for your convenience. The package for conda is called - xvfbwrapper but you can install other flavors of it too.

You can find more details about this package on github under the same name.