Debian – How to make an ISO copy of Linux-filesystem and user files of VPS Debian based


I have a Debian-Based VPS on some hosting. I want to migrate from it and i need to make a full copy of all Linux-filesystem (and installed packages) + all home directory with website files. And then pack/convert it to ISO image so that to use it on cloud hostings like Amazon.

The problem is that i have only ssh root access. Hosting support can't do that for me.

Another part of the question – is it possible to enlarge the Linux-filesystem by not re-installing it and using the free space of home directory?

Is it possible to do? I guess it is possible with rsync or something like that. Will my Mysql databes copy together with all other data?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

can able to install any of rpm to using your login and password if yes then you can install from following web site require rpm or tar and simply run from console mondoarchive to create .iso !!