Debian – mount error 5 = Input/output error


I am running out of ideas. After a long period of testing this morning, I cannot seem to get this to work, and I have no idea why. I want to mount a Windows SMB/CIFS share with a Debian 5.0.4 VM, and it is not cooperating.

This the command I am using.

debianvm:/home/me# whoami


debianvm:/home/me# smbclient –version

Version 3.2.5

debianvm:/home/me# mount -t cifs //hostname.domain.tld/share /mnt/hostname.domain.tld/share –verbose -o user=SUBADDOMAIN.ADDOMAIN.DOMAIN.TLD/username

mount.cifs kernel mount options:

error 5 = Input/output error Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page ( mount.cifs)


The word on the nets has not been very specific, and unfortunately it is almost always environment-specific. I receive no authentication errors. I have tried mount -t smbfs and mount -t cifs, along with smbmount and such. I get the same error before. I doubt it is a problem with DNS resolution, because logging shows the correct IP address. dmesg | tail -f no longer shows authentication errors when I format the domain and username accordingly. I have played a little with iocharset=utf8, file_mode, and dir_mode as described here. That did not help either. I have also tried ntlm and ntlmv2 assuming it might be a minimum auth method problem, but not forcing sec=ntlmv2 it can still authenticate without errors anymore. smbclient -L hostname.domain.tld -W SUBADDOMAIN.ADDOMAIN.DOMAIN.TLD -U username correctly lists all the shares and shows it as the following.

    Domain=[SUBADDOMAIN] OS=[Windows 5.0] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]

Sharename       Type      Comment
---------       ----      -------
IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
ETC$            Disk      Remote Administration
C$              Disk      Remote Administration 
Share           Disk      

Connection to hostname.domain.tld failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED)
NetBIOS over TCP disabled -- no workgroup available

I find the last line intriguing/alarming. Does anyone have any pointers!? Maybe I misread the effin manual.

Best Answer

You are trying to use SMB 1.0, which may very well be disabled by default now.

Can you use ver=3.0, which specifies SMB version 3.0.

You really should just ask your SMB admins what the minimum requirements are, as they may well have been elevated.

What is the version of the SMB server you are talking to?