Debian – Not able to mount ext4 file-system in Debian Lenny


I am trying to mount ext4 EBS volume in to my EC2 instance in Debian OS, whenever I try to mount I get the following error:

mount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4'

I googled around and found a link to the solution:

No luck, now I get this problem:

mount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4dev'

Not sure what is the exact problem in mounting ext4 file-system. Please help.

Thanks for your time.


My kernel version is:

Debian OS is Lenny 5.0


PLEASE DO NOT MOUNT Ext4 filesystem on kernel version < 2.6.28, it will not work, 
since Ext4 was introduced only in >= 2.6.28 kernel version. 

Please see:

Best Answer

Don't do it. The experimental ext4 module that was included in Lenny isn't safe or sane to use on a disk that you actually want to store data on.

Still, the mount operation should work alright once the test_fs flag is set. What's the exact output from these commands, filled in with the relevant info for your system?

tune2fs -E test_fs /dev/sdXX
mount -t ext4dev -o ro /dev/sdXX /mnt/mountpoint